Frankly, we’re nobody special.
We’re just a group of people from many walks of life and faith traditions who, no doubt through divine providence, found each other and have been exploring mutual interests regarding the inner life ever since.
This type of exploration covers many areas of spirituality: contemplation, mysticism, wisdom of the Desert Fathers, Cistercian monasticism, centering prayer, and Lectio Divina being some of the most common.
Regardless of the words used, what we strive to do is allow silence, prayer, and reflection on the Bible (in whole or part) to imbue us with what wisdom the Holy Spirit wishes we have, when we need to have it.
We are not a Catholic group, although there are Catholics in our group. We are not a Protestant group, although there are Protestants in our group. We’re a group of seekers eager to share our ideas and life experiences with each other.
Our group was founded in June of 2018, which means we’ve entered our second year. We currently number anywhere from 7-12 people. We meet the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7pm in the multi-purpose room of Orchard View Church of God in Grand Rapids, Michigan. (See Where We Meet or Contact Us pages for more information.)
What do we do when we meet?
Glad you asked. Visit the What We Do page for more information.
Why are we called Novices in School of Love?
Because monasteries have historically been referred to as schools of love. Since we strive to adopt some of the monastic life to our own civilian lives (often through discussion of the centuries-old Rule of St. Benedict) we decided that because we’re spiritually in that same school our goal is also the same: to learn to love as Jesus loved.
As we pondered that one evening, a member of our group said that since learning to love as Jesus loved will take a lifetime we’ll always be novices in that school. The phrase stuck, and the name of our group was born.
Novices in the school of love.
If you’re like us, and you believe a deeper, more vibrant, relationship with the God of the universe is possible, you’re welcome to join us.
Actually, even if you don’t believe that, you’re welcome to join us.
After all, this isn’t a destination.
It’s a journey.
And, as everyone knows, a journey is a lot more fun with friends sharing it with you. (Cue the music for The Lord of the Rings movies.)
By the way, in the photo above (left to right) are Beth, Bill, Jo, Jeff, Christian, Karen, and Mike. Feel free to stop by to say Hello.